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Be Charge as CPO

Production Environment

Table of contents

  1. Details
  2. Peer to peer (OCPI)
    1. CPO Versions URL
    2. Supported Versions
    3. OCPI Module Support Matrix
  3. Hubject (OICP)
    1. Supported Versions


  • country_code: IT
  • party_id: BEC

Peer to peer (OCPI)

Be Charge supports OCPI integration for connection to other MSPs.

CPO Versions URL

Sent during handshake phase, offline

Supported Versions

Version Status
OCPI v2.1 Supported

OCPI Module Support Matrix

Module Direction Method Supported? Notes
Credentials CPO → MSP POST /credentials Yes  
Credentials CPO → MSP PUT|PATCH /credentials Yes  
Credentials CPO → MSP DELETE /credentials No  
Credentials MSP → CPO GET /credentials Yes  
Credentials MSP → CPO POST /credentials Yes  
Credentials MSP → CPO PUT|PATCH /credentials Yes  
Credentials MSP → CPO DELETE /credentials No  
Locations CPO → MSP GET /locations No  
Locations CPO → MSP PUT /locations/:path Yes  
Locations CPO → MSP PATCH /locations/:path Yes  
Locations MSP → CPO GET /locations Yes Locations won’t be available right after handshake
Sessions CPO → MSP GET /sessions/:path No  
Sessions CPO → MSP PUT /sessions/:path Yes CDR and Session will have the same id
Sessions CPO → MSP PATCH /sessions/:path No Using PUT instead
Sessions MSP → CPO GET /sessions Yes  
CDRs CPO → MSP GET /cdrs/:path No  
CDRs CPO → MSP POST /cdrs Yes CDR and Session will have the same id
CDRs MSP → CPO GET /cdrs Yes  
Tariffs CPO → MSP GET /tariffs No  
Tariffs CPO → MSP PUT /tariffs/:path Yes  
Tariffs CPO → MSP PATCH /tariffs/:path Yes  
Tariffs CPO → MSP DELETE /tariffs/:path No  
Tariffs MSP → CPO GET /tariffs Yes  
Tokens CPO → MSP GET /tokens Yes  
Tokens CPO → MSP POST /tokens/:tokenUid/authorize Yes  
Tokens MSP → CPO GET /tokens/:path Yes  
Tokens MSP → CPO PUT /tokens/:path Yes  
Tokens MSP → CPO PATCH /tokens/:path Yes  
Commands MSP → CPO POST /commands/RESERVE_NOW Yes  
Commands MSP → CPO POST /commands/START_SESSION Yes  
Commands MSP → CPO POST /commands/STOP_SESSION Yes  
Commands MSP → CPO POST /commands/UNLOCK_CONNECTOR No  

Hubject (OICP)

Supported Versions

Version Status
OICP v2.3 Supported